My Everything

Moonbeams splattering on rooftops
Leaving dew-drops as remains
While reflections of skies slip in water
Skating and dropping deep down into oceans
Burrows of ants toil away lifting
Food and rocks all the same
Sparrows building warm nests of spit
Caked on layer after layer
Fish weave through the waves
Staying with the school for safety - they've learned
Above; sunset clouds radiate full spectrums of hues
Which remain unseen by so many buried creatures hidden underfoot

Like this
Like the internet to a moth
Catholicism to a snail
Or music to a field of grass
Stripped meaning stands still
Moulded all around us - it's invisible
Thoughts above what we can fathom

I wasn't built to understand the universe
To grasp what infinity means
The scale of a star
The speed of a light-year
Or the magnitude of a black-hole

Not really
I'm the universe trying to understand itself
When all I can manage is to understand myself
