Not OK

Please explain what you mean
When you say that you’re OK
Because I don’t know what that means
That you don’t need help?
That you’re self sufficient?
That you’re well adjusted?
Able-bodied? Neurotypical? At peace?
Well educated? Fulfilled? Not exhausted?
That you are where you want to be?
That you’re on the right track?
That your heart doesn’t ache?
That the sea level isn’t rising?
That your lungs aren’t black?
That mortality isn’t terrifying?
That the oceans haven’t boiled into sky?
That entire species aren’t being lost forever?
That the streets aren’t oozing with blood?
That countless horrors don’t fill the night?
That the universe isn’t ever expanding
Until all the stars fade to black?
That everything you know and love
Won’t perish just like you?
That you’re not furious about it all?

Please let me know
Because I’m not OK
Because I don’t think anyone is

But I’ll sit down beside you
As the dread looms in
And we can hold hands (If you want)
Because I love that we exist together
Even though we’re only a flicker
