It's the Glitches in my mind
That I find the hardest to embrace
All the memories evaporated in the air
Dust scattered to the wind
Lilting in the breeze as they
Meld into the horizon
The trails of conversations lost
Focus wondered off somewhere
I've dropped my line
You're looking expectant
- Say something agreeable
When the Kitchen greets me cold
And hand collects spoon
Not sure why just yet
(Give it time) You'll find out
Surprised by the destination
When it arrives already
Autopilot was on throughout the journey
I've been switched off in blackness
The jokes I'll retell
To the same kind soul
Who'll be polite about the whole thing
Letting out a laugh anyways
The subject is promptly changed
Arguments I'll embark on
again & again
Perpetually stuck like a Pillar of Salt
Who can't look back at history
That it doesn't know existed
My mind is all I have
And the Glitches won't retreat
To where they came from
They'll only get bigger
They are the beasts at my side
The static in my thoughts
The Zeros, not the Ones
The empty space passed through
The field where the plants can grow
Taking it slow calms them
They'll lay down & won't strike
So at night when my head is at rest
They can come out & play
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